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Clients &

I work in unison with other health care professionals and with local community services to help provide holistic care to my clients.

Positive power plus

"Hypnotherapy works with an individuals subconscious mind and emotion. it assists one in healing or changing unsupportive thoughts, habits, or behaviours to create the life that is desired."

The Mindful Body 

"Practitioners work with the breath, the unconscious muscular tension and habitual survival responses in the body using gentle present touch and words."

Amanda st.louis (rmt)

"Mental and physical health is fundamentally linked. There are multiple associations between mental health and chronic physical conditions that significantly impact people’s quality of life..." (CMHA)

Certified Flourishing Coaching

"Your life experience makes you an amazing coach already, and so when you combine that with the evidenced-based practices you can learn in the Certified Flourishing Coaching™ model, you will have a framework for your coaching that will set your clients up for success."


Sandra's Resources 

Check out some of my favourite educational resources and access FREE public health resources safe for everyone. 

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