The Sandra Method
Get to know me in 10 words
Wise, Purposeful, Honest, Messy, Latte-Lover, Animal-Rescuer, Plant-parent, Mom, Uncoordinated, Kind-hearted

My Story
My story began 55 years ago before I was even born. My 17-year-old mother was kicked out for becoming a teen mom; carrying an unwanted child my mother turned to addiction to cope. Growing up as the unwanted child I inherited the trauma of my young mother, and grew up amidst poverty, neglect, and abuse (mental, physical, spiritual, and sexual).
But I am not the victim, and have spent my adult life healing, growing, and learning from my trauma. My deep aspiration in this lifetime is founded by my very personal healing journey which led me to my counselling and coaching education. This allows me the privilege to advocate, educate and inspire change in the way people parent today.
As the once child, and now parent, of 3 adult children I have decades of wisdom from the good, bad, and ugly times which I hope to share with you. I come to walk with you and beside you, having tried and erred many ways of ‘being’. I have no judgements towards the vast mistakes I have made along my way, for I too was simply surviving. My ‘apparent’ failures on my journey include leaving home at 17 (ironically the same age as my mother), to most recently a divorce from a 30-year marriage. These are simply the live, real-time human experiences that were my teachers, and the lessons learned were immense.
Having endured relentlessly I am passionate about paying forward the insights I have gained to ensure something different for you, your relationships, and families. I am honest and vulnerable; I am tough but loving. I bring passion to my real-life lessons and hopefully inspire a new way of being in your life
How I can help you grow
While there are many approaches to therapy, The Sandra Method is unique in its approach. It is not derived from cognitive, behavioural, or psychodynamic approaches to therapy, but instead designed by the human experience. It combines years of formal and informal training with a life hard-lived and hard-won. It is built on real-life experience, dedication, and hard work tempered with years of personal losses, lessons, failures and growth. It is founded in sincere connection, trust, honesty, and understanding.
Throughout your journey with me you can expect to feel heard, validated, and inspired. You can expect to develop a new relationship. Gaining a friend, a mom, and a teacher.
But you will also be expected to put in the work. I don't ask you to do that which I have not done. We journey together.